Respected & Esteemed Pujya Swami Rameshwarananda Giri President Phi Foundation, Spain
Hindu Forum of Europe is elated to inform you that Your Highness is being nominated as SPIRITUAL ADVISOR of Hindu Forum of Europe.
The Hindu Forum of Europe was founded in 2006 in collaboration with an array of Hindu organisations across Europe. The Forum works to cohesively share and promote the European values of interfaith, friendship and peaceful coexistence. The Forum supports European governments and their citizens in building communities that are cohesive and integrated. (The preservation of European values of human dignity by drawing on the Hindu ethos that is rooted in respect for all…).
Pujya Swami Rameshwarananda Giri Maharaj is president of the PHI Foundation, and vice president of the Environmental Foundation, director of the University of Consciousness and the PHI School of Yoga Vedanta and Meditation. Creator of the PHI Campus, a Global Sustainable System Project, in Extremadura (Spain). Swamiji is also president of the International Interfaith Forum “Transcendence” and representative of the Indian Religions in the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders, as well as in the “Multaqa” International Conference of the Mediterranean.
With warm regards – letter attached
Dr. Lakshmi Vyas
PRESIDENT – Hindu Forum of Europe
Marie Mandakini Spennare – Vice President
Gianluca Troiano – Treasurer
Kesh Morjaria – CEO
El Hindu Forum of Europe cuenta con una serie de consejeros espirituales de diferentes escuelas filosóficas del hinduismo. Este año, con el voto unánime de la Junta directiva del Hindu Forum of Europe, se ha nombrado Spiritual Advisor del Hindu Forum of Europe (Consejero Espiritual) a Pujya Swami Rameshwarananda Giri Maharaj, miembro fundador de Transcendence. Dicho nombramiento se hizo oficialmente el domingo 5 de junio de 2022, durante la Asamblea Anual General del HFE celebrada este año en CampusPHI.
Swamiji pasará a formar parte de los asesores en temas espirituales que entre otras personalidades cuenta con: Swami Amarananda de la Ramakrishna Mission, Sivarama Swami de Iskcon, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar de Art of Living y la Hermana Maureen de las Brahma Kumaris.
Desde en Foro Interreligioso Trancendence Internacional llevamos a cabo la realización de distintas actividades, si quieres estar informado de las mismas y las fechas en que se realizan, de forma que que puedas asistir a los eventos abiertos al público puedes suscribirte.